Today is a major festival in India call Dussehra. The widely celebrate festival commemorates the defeat of the demon king Ravan by Lord Ram. Huge effigies of Ravan go up in smoke all over India.
It represents the TRIUMPH of GOOD over EVIL
The kids are off from school, the banks and post offices are closed. (I found that out the hard way after schlepping packages down to the main post office, only to be greeted by pandering monkeys and a locked door).

Effigies of Ravan
The effigies are already set up like scarecrows guarding garbage heaps waiting to be torched tonight. The fireworks started days ago, making Vrindavan sound like a war zone.
I gave the ladies the opportunity to take the day off.
Nothing doing!
Then, I said they could leave early this Friday.
Do you think they did that?! Oh, no, not my ladies! They stayed and partied on!
Happy Dussehra!!